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May 11, 20161 min read
Convert Voltage to dBm and dBm to Voltage (peak-peak and RMS)
dBm is power referenced to 1mW, where Rref is the system impedance Since most systems, including the Bode 100 are 50Ohms, this can be...
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Sep 13, 20131 min read
FAQ #30: Can the Bode 100 measure complex permeability of Inductors/Chokes with some additional adap
It can measure impedance and that can get you there. We measure permeability by relating the inductance and physical core parameters such...
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Sep 13, 20131 min read
FAQ #29: How do you calibrate probes using the Bode 100 and the J2120A line injector?
The simple method of calibrating the probes is to connect them both to the same signal and perform a thru calibration. Details on this...
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Sep 13, 20131 min read
FAQ #28: Who uses the Bode 100 network analyzer?
The Bode is used in many industries including Military, Space, Medical and commercial. NASA, Ball Aerospace, Boeing, Lockheed and ESA...
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Sep 10, 20131 min read
FAQ# 27: Why is PDN measured using a VNA and not an oscilloscope?
Steve Sandler Answers Your PDN Questions (Power Electronics’ Q&A Series) Power Electronics received a question about why PDN is measured...
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Sep 5, 20131 min read
FAQ# 26: How do I pick a voltage regulator that will be good for my circuit?
Steve Sandler Answers Your Voltage Regulator Questions (Power Electronics’ Q&A Series) Power Electronics received a question about how to...
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Aug 27, 20131 min read
FAQ#25: How do you measure PSRR of a linear regulator circuit that powers an oscillator for an ADC?
Steve Sandler Answers Your PSRR Questions (Power Electronics’ Q&A Series Follow Up) Earlier this month Power Electronics received a...
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Aug 7, 20131 min read
FAQ #24 J2180A 0.1Hz -100MHz Ultra Low Noise Preamp: Do you have any figures for the noise level ie
Here is a typical noise plot showing the typical noise is 2.4nV/rt_Hz when using the J2180A Ultra Low Noise Preamp. #faq #j2180a #noise...
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Apr 11, 20132 min read
FAQ #23 What Injectors do I need for PDN Measurements?
Our J2112A current injector has been the most requested product to date. It provides a very fast low current pulse, though based on a RF...
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Sep 27, 20121 min read
FAQ #22: So how does this non-invasive measurement relate to phase margin and gain margin?
We can equate the stability to an equivalent phase margin by assuming the magnitude of the gain vector to be 1 and solving for the Q. In...
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Sep 18, 20122 min read
FAQ #21: How do you use the Picotest injectors and the Agilent analyzer to measure output impedance
How do you use the Picotest injectors and the Agilent analyzer to measure output impedance and/or non-invasive step loading? For the...
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Jun 7, 20121 min read
FAQ #20: 2 Port Shunt Thru Impedance Measurement With The Bode 100
2 Port Shunt Thru Impedance Measurement With The Bode 100 Below are a few diagrams on how to do a 2-port impedance measurement and have...
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Feb 28, 20124 min read
FAQ #19: What is the difference between a Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) and a Vector Network Ana
What is the difference between a Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) and a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)? The FRA is generally designed to...
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Feb 27, 20122 min read
FAQ #18: What injection resistor value should I use? Is it okay to use a little larger resistor like
What injection resistor value should I use? Is it okay to use a little larger resistor like 30 or 50 ohm instead of 5 ohm (like many app...
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Dec 31, 20101 min read
FAQ #17: Does the J2110A Bode Box accept both +12V and -12V power supply at the same time?
Does the J2110A Bode Box accept both +12V and -12V power supply at the same time? I saw only one red banana jack and one black banana...
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Jan 1, 20101 min read
FAQ #16: What Calibration Services do you offer?
What Calibration Services do you offer? Apart from warranty repairs, calibration and servicing, done directly at Picotest, we work with...
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Jan 1, 20101 min read
FAQ #15: What injectors should I order?
What injectors should I order? Most users purchase cost saving “bundles” and we have several to choose from on our website. Please see...
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Jan 1, 20102 min read
FAQ #14: Please specify what is the maximum AC injection signal voltage and current for the J2120 Li
Please specify what is the maximum AC injection signal voltage and current for the J2120 Line Injector? We need to measure PSRR of our...
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Jan 1, 20101 min read
FAQ #13: Which measurements (Output impedance Vout/Iout, audio susceptibility Vout/Vin, input admitt
Which measurements (Output impedance Vout/Iout, audio susceptibility Vout/Vin, input admittance Iint/Vin and reverse transfer Iin/Iout,...
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Jan 1, 20101 min read
FAQ #12: Is it possible to also measure the audio susceptibility (Vout/Vin) of a power supply with t
Is it possible to also measure the audio susceptibility (Vout/Vin) of a power supply with the current injector J2111A? Yes. The J2111A...
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