How to test Power Distribution Systems and Power Supplies
Through hands-on lab demonstrations and classroom style lecture/slide presentations. Learn from Steve Sandler, internationally renowned author and lecturer on all topics power. In addition, a variety of support materials including sample laboratory exercises are provided.
Practicing Electrical Engineers of all experience levels, Students, Test Technicians. This course requires some basic knowledge about instrumentation including Vector Network Analysis and Oscilloscopes.

To perform the most critical power integrity tests including 1 and 2-port impedance, load step, and ripple measurements.
Tried and true techniques for minimizing measurement mistakes.
Follow along as testing pitfalls and test setup tips necessary to make high quality measurements as demonstrated.
Details about the course
This course covers how to master the most important power supply measurements including those associated with Power Integrity and today’s power distribution systems. The following topics and tests are discussed in detail with a variety of lab demonstrations:
Introduction to Test including best practices
Measurement Fundamentals including managing noise
Cables and Connections including how to properly connect your DUT to test equipment
Measuring Signals including Ripple
Impedance Testing
1-Port Impedance Measurement
2-Port Impedance Measurement including stability testing
3-Port Impedance Measurement
Step Load / Large Signal Impedance Measurement
TDR Measurements
Advanced Topics
Support Materials
App notes, webinars, and papers on various topics
Test exercises for VNA and Oscilloscopes with sample setup files for popular instruments
Every student who actively engages with course activities will receive a personal Power Integrity and Power Supply Testing Certificate
12 lessons. Each lesson has a tutoring video that is approximately 45-60 minutes long (watch when it’s best for you) + activities for practicing.
Software Requirements
Course Pre-requisites
No test equipment is necessary to undertake the course. Demonstrations are performed on various oscilloscopes and vector network analyzers and the measurement setups are explained in each video. For each class the equipment utilized is listed in the Links & Downloads area. Some of it you may have, other pieces you may want to acquire depending on your interest level in the particular test. Setup files for particular scopes and VNAs are provided and they can be used if you have that specific instrument(s).
Online access to this course for up to 3 people, each access for 12 weeks
Every online access can be extended 2 times for FREE, each time for 1 more month
ALL lessons accessible immediately after payment
Unlimited video access (after downloaded)
Video download available (after 30 days)
Certificate for up to 3 people (when they complete activities)
100% money-back guarantee up to 30 days from order
Best option for companies

Online access to this course for up to 5 people, each access for 12 weeks
Every online access can be extended 3 times for FREE, each time for 1 more month
ALL lessons accessible immediately after payment
Unlimited video access (after downloaded)
Video download available immediately after payment
Certificate for up to 5 people (when they complete activities)
100% money-back guarantee up to 30 days from order
For companies with engineers who need to start working quickly